Get Involved
How to navigate and connect with the SPIFFE community
SPIFFE is guided by a small but very active community of passionate software engineers with empathy for the problems that the project is tackling.
Join the Community
Slack — Most real-time discussions happen on SPIFFE’s Slack channels at You can join here.
Mailing lists — Announcements occur in the SPIFFE Google Group. There is also a users and developers list.
Special Interest Groups and Working Groups — The broader SPIFFE community is self-organized into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that coordinate to manage specific aspects of SPIFFE’s design, and Working Groups (WGs) that focus on short-term cross-SIG initiatives. A list of active SIGs and WGs can be found here.
Social media — Follow us on Twitter.
Contribute to the Project
You can contribute to SPIFFE and SPIRE by filing issues and submitting pull requests on GitHub. See these contribution guidelines for details such as GitHub etiquette and coding conventions:
While anyone is welcome to propose contributions via pull requests, we strongly encourage significant contributions - particularly those that might require a significant change to core components - to be first discussed and a high level design agreed upon with the appropriate SIGs or WGs (see above).
Day to day contributions are vetted by the project’s maintainers. Overall project direction, guidance and conflict resolution is overseen by the projects’ Technical Steering Committee. Full details on this process can be found in the project GOVERNANCE page.
SPIFFE and SPIRE Branding Media Library
Find SPIFFE and SPIRE logos here: